The Food Systems Leadership Network is a national peer learning community supporting and connecting leaders from all 50 states, rural, urban, and First Nations. Through in-person gatherings, virtual calls and meetings, and an online platform, we bring leaders together to build relationships, facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources, and encourage collaboration among members and across communities.
As you become part of this network, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following cultural agreements, community guidelines, and supporting privacy measures. Please reach out to with any questions, comments, or ideas for improvement.
FSLN Cultural Agreements
The FSLN Cultural Agreements are a set of norms that help guide how network members and participants show up- both individually and collectively – in network spaces, activities, and programming. Co-created with input from FSLN members over the years, the Cultural Agreements will continue to evolve as the network grows, new folks join, and more voices are brought into the mix.
All FSLN members and participants are asked to contribute to and uphold the following agreements:
- Honor and celebrate our collective wisdom – together, we know a lot!
- Give grace to one another and approach conflict with curiosity.
- Challenge assumptions, respect our differences, and speak from our own experience.
- Honor confidentiality – lessons leave, stories stay.
- Meet each other where we are. Showing up is enough, and listening is participating.
- Be mindful of our individual power, privilege, and how much space we are taking up.
- Take responsibility for impact, regardless of intent.
- Take care of our own physical, mental, and emotional needs.
Community Guidelines
We strive to create an environment where people feel comfortable and welcomed, are respected and acknowledged, and can seek and share advice freely. We looked to our friends who curate the Non-Profit Happy Hour Facebook Forum for inspiration around Community Guidelines (thanks!) and adapted some initial guidelines that we will evolve as we learn how to best use this technology and as we receive feedback and guidance from members. As an FSLN member posting on the site, such as in the Discussion Groups, Member Blogs, or news, we as that you please be mindful of the following
- Approach conversations and information with curiosity and respect to promote and maintain a spirit of collective learning.
- Discriminatory language, hate speech, bullying, or other inappropriate language or harassment are not permitted.
- While we welcome discussion of relevant policy issues and opportunities, we do not allow campaigning for specific political candidates.
- Promotion of specific paid services or products is not permitted, except for the Events page.
Public vs. Private Pages
FSLN is a member-only community of practice, with specific services and platform features only accessible to logged in, verified members of the network. However, there are some aspects of the website that can be viewed by non-members. Here’s a breakdown:
Publicly visible pages: Non-registered members can view these pages and any comments/posts that are made to them. They cannot make comments or additions to these pages.
- About
- Resources
- Programs
Private pages: These pages, and any posts or comments made to them, are only able to be viewed by FSLN members that are logged into the site. They cannot be viewed by anyone who is not a verified member of FSLN. FSLN’s privacy statement can be found here.
- Community Bulletin Board
- Discussion Groups
- Member Directory & Network Map
- Events
Content Disclaimer
FSLN is maintained by the Wallace Center at Winrock International and its partners for educational and informational purposes only. Wallace Center disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted to this group, whether posted by the Wallace Center or any third party. In no event shall the Wallace Center be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted to this community of practice.