In communities across the country organizations are implementing innovating programming and collaborating with partners to advance food systems change. Explore, learn from, and engage with these change-making organizations in these Featured pieces.

Local Catch Network
Across North America
“What started as a handful of fishermen determined to build community-based seafood systems, has since grown to a 200+ network of members across North America committed to providing local, healthful, low-impact, and sustainable seafood to communities.“

Lexington, KY
“FoodChain is scrappy and resourceful. When working to solve problems, we have a can-do attitude and therefore, we’re able to provide solutions by linking together seemingly disparate assets.”

Dream of Wild Health
Minneapolis, MN
“Dream of Wild Health is one of the few Native-led organizations doing agricultural programming in the Twin Cities… At DWH, we honor our Good Relative Policy in which we respect our elders, youth, water, plants, pollinators, animals, and mother earth. We believe that we are all related.”

Three Sisters Kitchen
Albuquerque, NM
“Three Sisters Kitchen uses the power and love of local food to create economic opportunity, improve community health, and bring our diverse communities together around the table. “

Alaska Food Hub
Homer, AK
“Alaska Food Hub provides opportunities for Cook Inlet Watershed producers and consumers to connect in a way that will create benefit for both.”

Mandela Partners
Oakland, CA
Mandela Partners’ capacity to quickly respond in a time of crisis was largely due to this systems approach to community work.

Communities Unlimited, Inc.
Fayetteville, AR
Communities Unlimited supports community wellbeing and prosperity in rural and underresourced, urban areas in the South.

Farm to Institution New England
New England region
A six-state network of nonprofit, public and private entities working together to transform our food system by increasing the amount of good, local food served in our region’s schools, hospitals, colleges and other institutions.

Community Food Strategies
North Carolina
“Our focus is supporting local food councils, supporting cross-sector understanding and collaboration around community-led food and farm initiatives.“

New Economy Coalition
National Network
NEC is a network of 200+ organizations imagining and building a future where people, communities, and ecosystems thrive.

DC Greens
Washington, DC
“As the organization grew, we became more focused on how structural racism has led to disparities in food access and subsequent health outcomes across DC.“

Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law School
South Royalton, VT
“We serve anyone working on food systems issues who might benefit from legal and policy expertise.“

Organic Growers School
Asheville, NC
“We are building a mutually supportive network of prosperous farmers, productive gardeners and informed consumers engaged in creating healthy communities.”

FFED serves producers, food businesses, and communities engaging in the food system or local economies.

New Orleans, LA
Propeller provides an impact accelerator program that fosters equitable growth through mentorship, technical assistance, and community-building.

National Farm to School Network
National Network
“We have proven success in championing federal and state policies that strengthen impactful farm to school opportunities.“

Land Loss Prevention Project
Durham, NC
“LLPP is unique in that we are the only nonprofit law firm in North Carolina that provides direct legal assistance to landowners and small farmers.“

Somali Bantu Community Association
Lewiston, ME
“Our organization was created by, and for, our community. We are the leaders and the decision-makers.“

Detroit Food Policy Council
Detroit, MI
“Unlike most food policy councils that are formed through government/governmental agency action; the Detroit Food Policy Council (DFPC) was formed through community action.“

Sustainable Food Center
Austin, TX
“The trainings we underwent provided us with a common language and solidified our commitment to racial justice; this was made actionable through our racial justice strategic plan.“

Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
Pittsburgh, PA
“As we build our network, we intentionally seek to build trust-filled relationships. Transparency of information is key to building trust, mobilizing across sectors and systems.”