Tracking local at point of sale

  • Tracking local at point of sale

    Posted by Andrew on March 17, 2021 at 6:28 PM

    Hey everyone,

    A group here in Arkansas is interested understanding how local sales are tracked at various points in the supply chain. In Northwest Arkansas this has come up in two different contexts. Have you seen any good systems to solve either of these situations below?

    1. An independent supermarket chain is buying from a local food hub. The local products do not have either a PLU or UPC sticker, which is how the supermarket would track the product internally so at the register it is just charged the same price as non-local product. Not only is the food hub missing an opportunity for a premium price, the store is not able to track demand for local.

    2. The Arkansas Food Farms & Jobs Act allows agencies to pay a premium for local food. In the evaluation process they have found that many vendors are not differentiating ‘local’ on their invoices or in their computer systems. As a result, tracking local procurement and the impact of the legislation is impossible.

    Andrew replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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