Food Safety and Quality
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Vinegar as a Sanitizer
Vinegar as a Sanitizer
Hi all!
We have a question on vinegar as a sanitizer that we would love more input on.
We are just getting familiar with a new operation and have been gathering their cleaning/ sanitizing SOPs and inventory of sanitizers. One of the sanitizers they have listed is Hinze Brand Vinegar. This operation is organic certified through California Certified Organic Farmers who has vinegar listed as an approved sanitizer.
We?ve been under the impression that vinegar is not a good sanitizer because it?s not reliable in killing pathogens and it is not recognized by EPA for such use… we have had other operations suggest using it and we have steered them away from it.
Vinegar is not listed on our Hawaii-approved list of sanitizers for organic operations, a document that?s been put out by the Cooperative Extension department at UH. However, it is allowed by the USDA for use at organic operations as long as it’s rinsed from the product due to residue concerns.
Are we being overly cautious or have we missed something? I feel like if an operation said they use vinegar as a sanitizer that would raise some concerns from an auditor for food safety certification.
Please share any thoughts and or experiences!
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