Racial Equity
If we are aiming to create systemic change in the food system, we must focus on and dismantle... View more
Healthy Food Access and Food Covenants
Healthy Food Access and Food Covenants
Check out this brief article from Rich Pirog about new research about an issue on healthy food access that doesn’t get much attention, “What is less known is that many food retailers who abandoned their urban stores put in place restrictive covenants in their deeds of sale that essentially blocked that location to be used for a food retail establishment for 10 to 40 years.” https://foodsystemsleadershipnetwork.org/healthy-food-access-and-food-covenants/
Healthy Food Access and Food Covenants
Reflections from Rich Pirog, 2023 FSLN Mentor and former Director for the Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University (MSU) through spring 2022 There are a variety of strategies …
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