Hi Aryn,
There are so many great resources out there about facilitation basics. Here are some that I like and have been helpful to me:
* adrienne marie brown has two wonderful books, “Holding Change”, and “Emergent Strategy” that introduce her fluid and flexible approach to facilitation.
* Adam Kahane is another amazing facilitator who has written extensively on facilitation. His “Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust ” is incredible if you will be working with conflict or across divides. All of his books are great.
* A great and accessible general approach to facilitation is Art of Hosting (http://artofhosting.org). In their resources section there is “Hosting in a Hurry” by Chris Corrigan that I often recommend.
* There are many amazing facilitators out there who offer resources and training. Three I admire deeply are Karen Spiller who is a central figure/author of Food Solution New England’s 21 Day Racial Equity Challenge, Curtis Ogden of Interaction Institute for Social Change, and Beth Tener of New Directions Collaborative. All of these folks offer training.
* Look around here! The FSLN has offered and keeps available number facilitation resources and webinars.
Hope this helps!