February VCC CoP Call Recap

  • February VCC CoP Call Recap

    Posted by Andrew on February 20, 2025 at 3:47 PM

    Hi everyone! We didn’t record the CoP call this week because it was largely discussion based. I can share this Mural board (https://app.mural.co/t/circleforward8977/m/circleforward8977/1739900354068/48e66b8d9e284608f899a8c0cd810d755c8667f3) where you can see the notes from a discussion on hopes and fears in our communities this year. Below are commitments people shared going forward. Hopefully you can find some encouragement in seeing the way others are thinking right now. Feel free to add your thought in the comments below. See you on March 25th for our next call!

    What are you personally committing to for the next 6 months?

    • We are currently scaling
      local food production through a creative systems approach that protects
      farms and supplies more food to our region in Iowa.
    • Celebrate the successes no
      matter how small or few they may be. Sharing those successes in my network
      to bring smiles in a time of deep concern. Show that we can overcome in
      the face of distress.
    • My mantra to keep going has
      been, chop wood, carry water. Keep going one step at a time, and being
      present. Key being keep moving, stay engaged in the work.
    • Already wrote this in the
      mural, but reiterating here: Creating a safe gathering space at the NE
      F2iSummit to help advance some of these hopes.
    • Coming into the new year, I
      decided to focus on self-care. Now, I feel that we need to organize and
      get prepared sooner than later, but I want to keep that focus. Instead of
      reacting to each new development, we need to be in it for the long haul.
      The conditions to create our current situation have been around for a long
      time and will continue to be.
    • Stewarding the FSLN as a safe
      harbor for food systems leaders, crafting narratives that build and uplift
      our collective visions & aspirations, and expanding my garden &
      inviting neighbors and friends to enjoy the harvest.
    • Persevering in this work in
      whatever ways possible, both personally and professionally. Continuing to
      support our local farmers and get more people invested in local food
      systems and personal food sovereignty.
    • My commitment is to step into
      full-time food system work…for the first time in my life.
    • Continuing to be a model for
      the goodness and kindness I want to see in others. (And also, say no when
    • A very easy way I’ve found to
      resist is to be a visible ally to the most at risk. I’ve been wearing my
      keffiyeh everywhere and put a pride flag up at my desk.
    • Focusing on presence and
      listening, starting my work with the needs I’m hearing people and
      communities express.
    • Following the news just
      enough to know where to put my energy and focus on things where I can make
      a difference.
    • One step at a time, stay
      humble, deeply listen.
    • I will not let fear
      monopolize my energy. I will lean on my queer siblings to share both joy
      and pain so that I can continue to do the work I’m committed to doing
      within the food system.
    Andrew replied 1 day, 16 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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