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March CFP CoP - Diversified Funding in Regional Food Systems: Strategies for a Changing Landscape

March CFP CoP – Diversified Funding in Regional Food Systems: Strategies for a Changing Landscape

DC-based FRESHFARM has successfully expanded their operational budget by leveraging diverse funding streams. Come learn about their strategy and join a discussion about how we can build more financial security for our community food systems work in these times. Guest Speakers: Rebecca Chavez and Renee Catacalos (FRESHFARM)
December 2024 CFP CoP - Four Step Action Plan

December CFP CoP – Four Step Action Planning

Learn and practice a process first developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs for developing a detailed action plan in a short amount of time. We'll share the framework/tool and then work our way through it with your own examples. 
December 2024 Value Chain Coordination CoP

December VCC CoP – Solidarity Economy Principles

Learn how the Solidarity Economy Principles are something we can apply together with our communities to help identify aligned strategic leverage points. Join Jamila Medley, organizational and leadership development consultant, to explore practices and principles through which we can build what we need today in our value chains, and make the
Farm to Food Assistance: Values-Based, Equity-Centered Approaches to Transforming the Food System

November F2FA CoP – A Model for Values-Based, Equity-Centered Approaches to Transforming the Food System

“Farm to Food Assistance: A Model for Values-Based, Equity Centered Approaches to Transforming the Food System” makes the case for how farm to food assistance can contribute to the transformation of a food system from one that produces less nutritious food designed to produce wealth for a few, to one
November 2024 VCC CoP

November VCC CoP – Utilizing Innovators’ Compass to Identify Strategic Leverage Points

Join two IDEO alums to learn a powerful design tool for getting “unstuck” and to see how answering 5 simple questions can lead to sustainability innovation in food systems.
October 2024 F2FA CoP

October F2FA CoP – Reflecting on 3 years of F2FA Community Building

Topic: Reflecting on 3 years of F2FA Community Building! Join us for this last F2FA CoP session of the year and get a sneak peak of the forthcoming F2FA report that so many of you have contributed to over the past several years. We'll also do some collective visioning for
October 2024 VCC CoP Call

October VCC CoP – Identifying Strategic Leverage Points

How does the “speed of trust” inform collaborations in food systems work? What happens when we move too fast and how do we heal from that? Join us as our two colleagues from Red Tomato explore these questions, based on experience spanning 27 years in one of the most innovative
September 2024 F2FA COP Call

September F2FA CoP – Strategies for Sustaining the Meaningful Impacts of the USDA LFPA Program

This month we’re exploring strategies for sustaining the meaningful impacts of the USDA Local Food Purchase Assistance program and our broader Farm to Food Assistance work for the long haul. Given an uncertain and shifting funding landscape, how might we leverage the new partnerships and capacity that have been built
VCC CoP September 2024

September VCC CoP – Catalyzing Innovation & Impact: Funding Value Chains & Supporting Meat-sector Ecosystems

From funder to Value Chain Coordinator, Franco Naccarato has a range of relevant experiences and insights to share with the community. Join us for an engaging dialogue informed by Franco’s 15 years of work supporting food access and developing meat value chains. Bring your questions!   Guest Speakers: Franco Naccarato (Executive
July 2024 Farm to Food Assistance CoP

July F2FA CoP – Preliminary Findings of the First F2FA Report

Wallace Center's F2FA Research partners, Rachel Dannefer and Alison Cohen, will share the preliminary findings for the first comprehensive report to date on the field of Farm to Food Assistance.?In this CoP call you will get a sneak preview into these findings, dialogue with fellow CoP members, and provide feedback, edits, and additions.    Guest Speakers: Rachel
June Community Food Projects CoP

June CFP CoP – Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Community Food Systems

This month we explore Climate Adaptation and Resilience! Community-based food systems not only mitigate the risks of climate instability, but also create a more resilient, equitable, and vibrant food system in the process. We will hear stories from the folks at SPROUT New Orleans and review a new resource from Vermont Law & Graduate