Course Objectives:
- Know what Value Chain Coordination (VCC) is in praxis
- Understand why it’s a strategy that can transform systems across the food economy
- Identify who is (and can be) served by your VCC work
- Learn where you can build relationships with partners and tap into resources
- Understand how to evaluate the impact of your VCC work and tell your story
How it works
This course consists of five lessons. Each lesson contains one to two short videos plus reflection questions and course materials. Enrollment is free and your participation is self-paced. That said, we highly encourage you to engage with this course and discuss learnings with colleagues, and be sure to take time to work through reflection questions and discussion prompts in your course worksheet which can be downloaded under the “Materials” section up top. This will help you apply these concepts to your work.
Join the VCC Community of Practice
Want to keep the conversation going? The Wallace Center facitliates the Value Chain Coordination Community of Practice – a national network of over 500 people doing VCC work across the country. Sign-up here to participate in monthly calls – which take place on the third Tuesday of each month. Have questions or want to connect with peers in between calls? Join the VCC discussion group – and pose your inquries there.
Hear what former training participants have to say…
I’m in awe of the energy that I felt in the course. This is a brand new way to looking at the work we are doing. It is going to serve me and all of us well going forward.
This is the first time I am learning about a lot of this stuff. I feel like a fire has been lit to learn more about value chain coordination. I want to keep community with all of the wonderful folks doing this work and feel that will be a lasting effect of this course.
The training provided an excellent background on Value Chain Coordination, from terminology to evaluation and resources to use in the future as well as opportunities to network. It helped me to conceptualize how my work fits into the larger food system and how I can evaluate power dynamics and equity in my current capacity and beyond.
Use and Attribution
Value Chain Coordination Curriculum © 2023 by Wallace Center at Winrock International is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International. This license enables resusers to share, copy, and redistribute the material under the following terms. You must give approrpiate credit, provide a link, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. To view a copy of this license, visit
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