TA Directory: Self-nomination Form

The Wallace Center is creating an open-source and centralized directory of technical assistance (TA) providers who specialize in federal food systems grants. With an emphasis on TA providers who identify as BIPOC or primarily serve BIPOC organizations, this TA Directory aims to increase access to federal food systems funding for historically underserved organizations and communities.

Too frequently, organizations working in and for historically underserved communities face huge barriers in accessing federal funds, including lack of time and technical expertise to navigate these complex grants. To ensure federal food systems grants support the communities that need it most, we must invest in support for organizations to win federal grants by developing a diverse cadre of TA providers with the experience, expertise, and relationships to help shift investment to the organizations that need it most. We hope directory will be home to a racially diverse group of TA providers who are essential to providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to BIPOC organizations.

Fill out the form below to be included in the directory!

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